Singing Bowl and Nepal

Singing Bowl and Nepal

Singing Bowl and Nepal Connection The Mystical Resonance of Singing Bowls: A Journey Through Nepal Singing bowl and Nepal are deeply connected! Singing bowls, also known as Tibetan singing bowls, have captivated the world with their rich, harmonic sounds and spiritual...


Prana Prana is very common and mostly used word in yoga and yogic world in this modern yoga practice. Prana has been defined as life force energy or vital energy but still maximum people know it as Breath or Oxygen which is not true. Prana is a subtle energy hidden in...

What is Yoga in True Sense

Yoga in True Sense ! Yoga which is very well known word at this time has become puzzled to understand ! Almost all the countries in the world know and practice Yoga which is good! Here Kanchan Yoga wants to try to make people understood about Yoga in true sense !...
Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing Deep Breathing is a very common word in the world now. I am worried no worries deep breathing! I am tensed, no worries Deep Breathing! I am scared, no worries deep breathing! Commonly is said Deep Breathing! The beautiful Physical Life is nothing but...
Pancha Prana in Yoga

Pancha Prana in Yoga

Pancha Prana in Yoga In the Yogic world, the Human body is considered like a temple where the energy flows and energies are explained in 5 major Pranas called Pancha Prana in Yogic Science. Without knowing about these Pancha pranas one can’t reach the higher...
How to be Happy

How to be Happy

How to be happy How to be happy is really an interesting question in life! I was born, I was given the name, I was grown up, my schooling was nice, I had a nice relation, I had a nice job, I had a nice family, I had good respect in society and friend circle, I earned...
Sun Salutations in Yoga

Sun Salutations in Yoga

Sun Salutations in Yoga is the Basic and Important Practice at the time tho Sun Salutation was not the part of Hatha Yoga Practice initially, it was added to Yoga later on. Sun Salutation is a very separate practice in ancient times where sages use to practice on a...