Traditional Yoga In Nepal
Ashtanga (Eight Limbs)Yoga In the Tradition method of Yoga, there are different types of Yoga out of the Eight Limb Yoga which is known as Ashtanga Yoga too was structured by the sage from Nepal named Patanjali. This Yoga Style is practiced worldwide and Specially Asana Part of this is very famous in the world. From the Asana part of this Yoga Style, all modern Yoga Styles like Vinyasa, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Flow Yoga, so on Yoga are formed. There is a Traditional Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal which is focused on old traditions explained in modern Concepts. What are the Eight Limbs of
Yoga? 1 Yamas (One’s Ethics) – It consists of 5 components as follows Nonviolence Truthfulness Non-stealing Continence Non-covetousness 2-Niyama (Self Discipline)
It consists of 5 components as follows Cleanliness Contentment Spiritual austerities Self-Study Surrender to the Higher
Authority /The God 3-Asana (Posture) 4-Pranayama (Breath Exercise) 5-Pratyahara (Withdrawing
of Sense Organs) 6- Dharana (Concertation/
Firm determination) 7 – Dhyana – Meditation 8 -Samadhi – Stage of Ecstasy Based on the Traditional Yoga method we offer Yoga in Kathmandu Nepal at our different Yoga Studio in Kathmandu which is suitable for all levels. All levels welcome to our Traditional Yoga Nepal!